Packing line Salačova Lhota
Historie rodinné firmy AGRICO Bohemia s.r.o. započala v roce 1999, tehdy získal ing. František Vavřina, zástupce již čtvrté generace zemědělců bramborářů z Vysočiny zastoupení holandské firmy AGRICO pro Českou republiku. Holandské AGRICO je pravděpodobně největší a nejprestižnější bramborářské šlechtitelské firma na světě. Následovalo pověření zastupováním rakouské sadbařské velmi významné firmy NÖS. Brzy se ukázalo, že pouhá distribuce a množení sadby v Čechách nestačí, že bude třeba zemědělcům zajistit komplexní služby. AGRICO Bohemia s.r.o. začalo se svým týmem zkušených agronomů poskytovat poradenskou službu i ostatním zemědělcům. Z důvodu koncentrace odbytu v ČR a stálé roztříštěnosti pěstitelské základny konzumních brambor jsme byli nuceni pořídit si v Salačově Lhotě u Pacova balírnu brambor, cibule a mrkve. Jsme významným dodavatelem brambor pro průmyslové zpracování – výrobny hranolků, chipsů, kaší a škrobu. Jednou z nejdůležitějších složek je pěstování suroviny. Proto se firma AGRICO Bohemia s.r.o. rozhodla sdružit české zemědělce, kterým poskytuje komplexní servis od výběru sadby, poredEnskou činnost pěstování, sklizeň a následné balení. Takto vzniklo AGRICO Bohemia s.r.o. a partneři, družstvo. V současné době se družstvo pyšní cerfikovanými plochami ( Global Gap & GRASP ) o rozloze více než 2500 ha .
Already 4 generations
We supply you with products of the highest quality.
Packaging technology
The company AGRICO Bohemia s.r.o. use a packing line, which is having international certification at the highest technical level.

Packing line Salačova Lhota
The company AGRICO Bohemia s.r.o. has its own packing line in Salačov Lhota near Pacov. In 2019, we invested significantly in the modernization of the packaging equipment, which is currently at the highest technical level, equipped with a receiving robot, polisher, optical selector and modern packaging equipment. It has passed international certification.
Thanks to this, we are able to provide a high standard of potatoes and onions delivered to our customers both in the Czech Republic and abroad. It goes without saying that washed and brushed potatoes are packaged in all types of packaging that are currently required.
The modernization significantly increased our packaging capacities, which are currently as follows:
Our offer
Consumable potatoes of the company AGRICO Bohemia s.r.o. are characterized by high quality and great taste. In order to ensure a year-round supply of the assortment, the company cooperates not only with Czech but also with foreign farmers. To guarantee the supply of the highest quality raw materials, the company itself realizes their delivery directly from selected farmers. The company AGRICO Bohemia s.r.o. offers the customer a comprehensive service. The potatoes are packed already brushed and washed in our own facilities. If interested, the company offers already peeled and boiled potatoes in vacuum packaging. All products are subject to strict quality controls to guarantee the highest quality of goods. AGRICO Bohemia s.r.o. offers the customer all cooking types of potatoes (A, B, C,) in several varieties.
AGRICO Bohemia s.r.o. offers onions mainly from domestic farmers. In order to guarantee a year-round supply of the market, it also imports onions from Germany, Austria and France as needed. The customer can choose from yellow or red, early or late varieties. Thanks to its own packing station, the company sells already cleaned onions in packages of various types and sizes, always reflecting the wishes of the customer.
AGRICO Bohemia s.r.o. offers carrots mainly from domestic farmers. In order to guarantee year-round market supply, it also imports carrots from Germany, Austria and Holland as needed.
Thanks to its own packaging line, the company sells washed and sorted carrots in packages of several types and sizes, always reflecting the wishes of the customer.
To complete the comprehensive offer, the company also sells root vegetables, specifically carrots, celery and parsley. All vegetables come from Czech and Moravian farmers.
Firma AGRICO Bohemia s.r.o. spolupracuje s největšími řetězci supermarketů v České a Slovenské republice jako jsou Lidl, Penny Market, Billa, Kaufland,, JIP a další.
Last but not least, the company also cooperates with the free market - smaller customers such as restaurants or a bistro. The quality of the products and the client's wishes are for the company AGRICO Bohemia s.r.o. always in first place.
In our offer
Our co-operative

Where do we export?

Leave us a message
Company owner / Managing Director
Ing. František Vavřina
- +420 604 208 454
Packing line operation
Bc. Richard Kučera
- +420 608 893 886
Business management
Dmytro Paslavskyj
- CZ: +420 777 064 699
- DE: +49 172 268 0129
Ing. Martin Vavřina
- +420 732 773 789
Zlata Kábová
- +420 733 127 076
Ing. Martin Vavřina
- +420 732 773 789
Zlata Kábová
- +420 733 127 076
Goods receipt
Jaromír Vavřina
- +420 606 646 618
Quality department
Ladislav Běhounek
Accounting office
Ilona Vavřinonová
- +420 737 627 561
Helena Březinová
- +420 737 627 561